Big Brother 13 August 21, 2011 Nominations 8/21/11. When we last still left off the HOH competition experienced begun. It seems like forever ago since in which happened. So the HOH opposition continues with every person trying to fill up their particular bowl and get the actual ping pong ball away, while being laundered with suds and drinking water. If you've watched Your government before they do this same competition in Natalie and Jesse's time with hot chocolate.
Milliseconds. gymnast doesn't seem to have much balance again. Jeff is choking on pockets, Jordan disappeared inside the bubbles. LOL
Jeff Schroeder wins HOH. I vow Rachel is such a poor sport whether she wins or loses.
The particular have nots have hard boiled eggs and jalapenos. But who are the have got nots? Jeff has to pick 3 people. This individual chooses Porsche as well as Daniele because they have not been have nots yet and Kalia.
Kalia has a chat with Jeff and tries to tell him Rachel and also Brendon were throwing him under the bus and that i don't think he does not believes her. I believe she should have informed him that way previously.
Hum. If Shaun doesn't put Daniele upward she might think she's safe and not play as hard inside the veto. I don't think that may happen. Especially if he puts up Kalia and Mercedes because she will would like to get one of them off the prevent. I think no matter what happens one of those three should go home this week. They are Jeff's targets and there is no method to keep them all secure. I don't see Daniele throwing the veto.
Jeff nominated Kalia Booker and Porsche Briggs.